Hello! I am Sumit. Backend Developer and Data Engineer.
I have been working with start ups for more than 10 years. Over this period, I have worked as a QA, Data Analyst, Backend Developer and a Data Engineer
March 2014 - August 2019
TrulyMadly is the most popular Indian Dating Apps. I had joined a QA. Got a chance to don multiple hats as Data Analyst, Front-end Dev and finally a Backend Developer. I worked on chat application using sockets.io, Created and maintainted the reporting systems. I also worked on recommendation engine to maximize the no. of matches. I created dynamic pricing model to maximize the revenue model
September 2019 - Present
Worked on JobHai from almost the inception, Worked on Job Recommendation systems for Job Seekers, Candidate recomendations for Recruiters, Creating and managing ETL pipelines. Introduced and managed Clickhouse database for clickstream data and Analytics dashboards
2008 - 2012
Gautam Buddha Technical University
2005 - 2007
Central Board for Seconday Education
Greater Noida, National Capital Region, India